meh i downloaded it i thought u roof was gay u can find a vid of it on youtube if he fixed the roof up and the rear bumper it would be better also i got heaps of other mods too all from this guy on youtube i only mod stuff in patch v or replace then switch it bak
dont know what happened but the 3rd 1 i was reversing down the wall in drag and all of a sudden my car looked like that. the ferrari(BF1) i went over jump and that jump was there and.....
i just want the thing where it record your drift score. like (score : 2342 + 5354) ive seen on other servers ad want to make my own server with that feature
we are now recruiting we just started and have 3 membes we r designing a website i have already got a forum and want u to join i will be getting lfs s2 in 4 days we r on Lfs x only we cant really get a server running so we r on the 420 server
wow this has been going on since 2005 make S3 already! should be comin out next year seeing as we're in patch z which is the last letter so more damage physics and cars should be in the s3 package if they ever do make 1
when i downloaded it it made the littlest difference do i do something in the Dust LOD in the cfg.txt? i seen people say something about it but i cant remember what they said to do
You could look it up on theres heaps of lfs videos there maybe its there never know. also u should of looked at the title of the video